
的 Federal Direct Loan Program provides eligibile students with 补贴, 未受资助的, 或教育部的家长加贷款,以帮助符合条件的学生支付高等教育的费用.

To receive any of these loan options from the 阿拉莫大学 区, students must submit a request within the loan request timeframe and meet the requirements. 的 processing time to be awarded is 4-6 weeks.



  • 资格:

  • 家长Plus贷款可以帮助家长支付孩子教育的剩余费用. 在申请期间对家长进行信用检查,家长将在以下方面做出选择:

      • 的 loan amount requested
      • 贷款将被支付的时期,如秋季,秋季和春季,春季和夏季
      • 在学生支付余额后,是否会退还给学生或家长


      • Student must be classified as Dependent as determined by the FAFSA
      • Student must be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours within their degree plan
      • Student must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
      • Student must complete any incomplete financial aid requirements including verification
      • Parent applying must be biological, adoptive, or a stepparent. 
      • 申请家长必须有良好的信用记录,没有拖欠的学生贷款或Plus贷款


What are the 利率 for Federal Direct 贷款?


的 interest rate for a 补贴贷款 is published annually 在studentaid.政府. 只要学生保持至少一半的注册时间,补贴贷款的利息由教育部支付.


的 interest rate for an 未受资助的贷款 is published annually 在studentaid.政府. Interest will begin to accrue once it has been disbursed.

Although it is not required to make early payments on interest, 任何未支付的利息累积将在还款时被加到所欠的总本金余额中.


的 interest rate for a Parent Plus loan is published annually 在studentaid.政府. 一旦贷款被支付,利息将开始为申请贷款的父母累积. 

What are the repayment requirements?

补贴 & 未受资助的贷款 

Repayment on the 补贴 & 无补贴贷款由学生完成,直到你离开学校的前六个月或入学时间低于一半(称为宽限期)后才开始。.


家长加贷款的还款由家长完成,他们可以申请 repayment to be deferred as long as their student remains enrolled. 

What if I fail to repay my Direct Loan?

未能偿还贷款的学生将被视为拖欠贷款,在违约状态恢复或全额偿还之前,他们没有资格获得未来的援助. 有关直接贷款违约后果的更多信息,请访问 FSA Collections website.

澳门新葡京博彩期间被确定拖欠贷款的学生将由Cennate i3Group联系. Cennate i3是唯一一个与澳门新葡京博彩有关联的贷款违约机构.


的 阿拉莫大学 区 has partnered with Ion Tuition, a self-help web tool, to assist current and former students understand their Federal Student 贷款. Creating an IonTuition account 将允许您:

  • 在一个地方检查你的贷款状态,付款金额,到期日和服务.
  • Utilize budget and repayment calculators to assist with repayment options. 
  • Learn about alternative repayment option and solutions to avoid default. 

Ion Tuition also contacts students by both phone and email. Any inquiries from students for servicing can be directed to 866-296-7955. Hours are: Mon-Thurs 8am - 8 pm, and Fri 8am - 5pm CST. 



Alternative student loans are funded by private lending institutions. 强烈建议你在申请替代贷款之前,从FAFSA那里寻求可用的联邦直接贷款选项,因为它们提供更多的好处,比如更低的利率,而且它们不依赖于学生的信用.


    • Each private lender will have their own set of eligibility criteria, 利率, and repayment requirements. 
    • Alternative loans are based on a 学生的 credit history and often require a co-signer.
    • 替代贷款主要用于联邦援助和奖学金不包括学生的出勤费(COA)的情况。.
    • 申请的贷款金额不能超过你的学费(COA)减去其他经济援助.
    • Due to Federal Lending Laws, 私人贷款机构必须向学生借款人提供多项信息披露,并收集一份自我证明表格.
    • 贷款人还将要求澳门新葡京博彩区提供资格证明. Please plan ahead as this process will take several weeks to complete.


    Thumbnail of What is a private loan?